Quoted Market Value, All Issues


Provider: TMX Group

  • Frequency:
  • Format:

Toronto Stock Exchange Quoted Market Value report contains outstanding shares, closing price, quoted market value and rank of each issue by quoted market value. Frequency: Monthly - After 12:00 PM EST (Beginning of the month)


Please be aware that most TMX Historical Market Data and S&P/TSX Index products include CUSIP and/or SEDOL security identifiers.  CUSIP numbers are the property of the American Bankers Association and are administered by Standard & Poor's.  SEDOL numbers are owned and administered by the London Stock Exchange.  In order to use either CUSIP or SEDOL identifiers clients must provide TMX with written approval directly from either CUSIP Global Services at S&P or the London Stock Exchange. Alternatively TMX offers alternate versions of the Historical and Index products without CUSIPs or SEDOLs - identified with NC (No CUSIP), NS (No SEDOL), or NCS (No CUSIP/SEDOL) characters in the file extensions.

For further information please contact Datalinx via the Contact Us form.

Product Description

Two reports are available:

  • Toronto Stock Exchange Quoted Market Value report contains outstanding shares, closing price, quoted market value and rank of each issue by quoted market value.
  • TSX Venture Exchange Quoted Market Value report contains outstanding shares, escrowed shares, closing price and quoted market value.

Product Sheet, Specifications and/or Sample

You can access the product sheet and specifications for both the Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange versions of the report. You can also view a sample file as a text file for Toronto Stock Exchange or TSX Venture Exchange.

Frequency: Monthly

Format: Tab delimited text (.txt)

Delivery: Web, FTP or Email; 1st business day of the month


Unless otherwise indicated, prices are for a single end user, and do not include redistribution rights. For distributor pricing, please contact Datalinx via the Contact Us form.

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